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Biodiversity On The Mind

During my brief lunchbreak today I found myself totally engrossed in the State of Nature Report – a first of it’s kind document detailing the health of the UK’s wildlife populations (available from the RSPB). It was a…

Students Tour Guardbridge Site

  Today we led over a dozen interested students on a special tour of the former Guardbridge paper mill, which is set to host one of the University’s two new macro scale renewable energy installations, the Guardbridge…

Raisin Green Guide

** Update: 1st place prize for Green Raisin competition wins a meal for them and their academic family at The Doll’s House! Join event here ** Did you know that Raisin Weekend is so called because…

Interhall Energy Competition 2013/14

For the past 7 years, the students and staff of St Andrews have been doing their part to reduce the energy consumed in student accommodation via the Inter-Hall Energy Competition. The combined actions of 3,500 students…

Launch of This Year’s Green Sports Award

Compete for the £100 prize that goes to the greenest sports team! Following on from the success of late year’s first Green Sports Awards competition, the Environment Team will be offering another £100 to the greenest…

Kenly Windfarm Approval!

Well it’s been a long time in the coming – and finally, last friday we heard back that the University’s planning proposal for the construction of 6 wind turbines on a University-owned property at the outskirts of St…

Electric Vehicles Impress

Front profile of the new Nissan Leaf EV What would your commute feel like in an electric vehicle? To find out the answer I met with the University’s Electrochemistry PhD researcher Euan McTurk to discuss his vintage…