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Launch of This Year’s Green Sports Award

Compete for the £100 prize that goes to the greenest sports team! Following on from the success of late year’s first Green Sports Awards competition, the Environment Team will be offering another £100 to the greenest…

Kenly Windfarm Approval!

Well it’s been a long time in the coming – and finally, last friday we heard back that the University’s planning proposal for the construction of 6 wind turbines on a University-owned property at the outskirts of St…

Electric Vehicles Impress

Front profile of the new Nissan Leaf EV What would your commute feel like in an electric vehicle? To find out the answer I met with the University’s Electrochemistry PhD researcher Euan McTurk to discuss his vintage…

Beautiful St Andrews Awards Judging!

If you haven’t noticed the arrangements around town made by the St Andrews in Bloom volunteer team, have a look out because they are fantastic! We hope the Beautiful Fife and Beautiful Scotland judges who have just…

University Community Garden

Students and staff have been enjoying these past few weeks of beautiful weather at the University Community garden. I popped down to visit them this week during their sessions held on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 2:30 to see…

New Sustainability Officer

This week we welcome a new addition to the Environment Team as Tucker Diego starts his year as Sustainability Officer. Tucker is a recent graduate of the Sustainable Development undergraduate programme at the…

The End of the Road…

So the time has come for me to say goodbye to the Environment Team and to St Andrews. I have had a fantastic time as the 2012/13 Sustainability Officer. I have learnt so much, met so many great people, been to many…