Launch of This Year’s Green Sports Award
Compete for the £100 prize that goes to the greenest sports team!
Following on from the success of late year’s first Green Sports Awards competition, the Environment Team will be offering another £100 to the greenest sports club of the year.
The award is designed to stimulate and encourage environmentally friendly behaviour amongst University of St Andrews sports clubs.
The criteria is fairly simple; your club must have undertaken some kind of environmentally friendly project, activity or event during the course of academic year 2013/14.
This is very flexible and you are free to focus on any specific area e.g. energy usage, recycling, biodiversity or more generally on awareness raising or behaviour change. One-off events or more regular initiatives will all be considered. It could be fundraising for an environmental charity, volunteering for environmental organisations or something else entirely – be creative! This does not have to be a huge undertaking, the scale of your effort is up to you. The award will be judged more on the positive impact of your project/activity/event, the creativity and your enthusiasm than the scale. The only real stipulation is that it must be explicitly related to environmental sustainability.
You have until nominations open at the beginning of Green Week 2014 (semester 2, week 7) to complete your environmental project/event. The award will be judged by members of the Environment Team in Estates and will be presented at the SVS awards ceremony in April 2014.
The winning club will receive £100!
Suggestions to get you started include:
- Help out with a Fife Coast and Countryside Trust event e.g. Dune Action Days happen once a month on West Sands.
- Plant trees – free from Woodland Trust (although this has been done before…)
- Run any kind of event/party but donate profits to an environmental charity.
- Run an awareness raising event e.g. contact One World Society to promote their veg boxes or ask Transition for ideas [email protected]
- Make a note of all your club mileage and publicise to club – then petition AU for a hybrid vehicle!
- Run a fairtrade bake sale in coordination witht the University Fairtrade committee.
These are only suggestions… some a lot wackier and bigger than others… feel free to use, adapt or do something entirely different.
Last year’s top 3 contesters included the Women’s Shinty team, Women’s Lacrosse team, and the Canoe Club! Can your team best them?
To register your intention to compete and for questions and support contact the University Environment Team at [email protected]