Revision Tips for Wellbeing

George King
Wednesday 29 April 2015

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An important part of  leading a green lifestyle and taking care of the planet involves taking care of yourself. During the revision period, exam stress affects most people and can make you feel exhausted and anxious. These simple tips give you ideas for small things you can fit into your day to help maintain your wellbeing and reduce your stress during revision…

Get outside

Let’s face it – being cooped up in the library is no fun at all. Take a short walk outside during study breaks to stretch your legs and get some fresh air, helping to focus your mind and get a bit of clarity. If the weather’s nice, study outside in a garden, or schedule a walk along the beach with friends to get away from your laptop screen and give yourself something to look forward to!

If you fancy getting your hands dirty, join Transition for a spot of therapeutic gardening and seed sowing at Andrew Melville Hall on 1st & 15th May from 12.30-2pm.

Gentle exercise

Exercise is one of the best stress busters around! You might feel like you are unable to take much time out from studying over the revision period, but instead of giving up on exercise completely, taking regular breaks that include some exercise will refresh yourself and clear your mind – try a quick walk around the library, or doing some stretches in your room. Depending on what time of day you work best, fit exercise into your study schedule – for example if you work better later on in the day, go to the gym first thing in the morning to wake yourself up and get ready for the day ahead. If you’re still struggling, go with a friend and turn it into an opportunity to catch up!

Yoga is another good option, with YogiSoc running the following classes throughout the revision fortnight:

Monday Meditation – 7.30-8.30pm, The View, donation to charity
Tuesdays – 5-6pm, 136 North St, £2
Thursdays – 3-4pm, 136 North St, £2
Saturdays – 3-4pm, grass at East Sands, free

Get a good night’s sleep

Tiredness can exacerbate feelings of anxiety, and can make you feel overwhelmed. On top of that, when you’re tired your brain won’t be working at it’s best, so aim to get a good 8 hours sleep a night. Ensure you’re getting enough quality rest by winding down in the hour before going to bed – stop checking social media, switch off your laptop, and read a magazine or listen to some calming music to help you drift off.

Eat healthily (& regularly!)

Try not to give in to the temptation of junk food – make sure you maintain a healthy and balanced diet whilst studying to meet all your nutritional needs. Keep healthy snacks like dried fruit and nuts on hand to fuel your brain through revision, and make sure you’re eating regularly to help ease your body into a routine.

Eating healthily needn’t be expensive – Transition will be giving away free fruit and veg from their Edible Campus gardens outside the library on 29th April, so be sure to swing by their VegTable!

Have a hot drink…that isn’t coffee!

Taking a break to have a hot drink can offer some comfort when the going gets tough. While coffee is normally the drink of choice when studying, try to avoid having too much caffeine as this can ‘hype’ you up and make your thinking less clear. Go decaf, or try a hot chocolate or herbal tea instead.

The Fairtrade Steering Group will be giving away 250 free packs of Fairtrade Clipper tea outside the library on Thursday 30th April from 11am.


Remember to look after yourself, and if you need more help battling exam stress, Student Services have some great resources available online.

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