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Merry #greenChristmas

The festive break is a time for friends and family to gather together and celebrate the year that has past and all that we have to be thankful for, and perhaps eat a little too much. However, amongst all the merriness…

Winter Shutdown 2016: Switch Down and Shut Off!

This winter break help us to meet our carbon reduction targets, and reduce costs to the University over the break! The Winter Shutdown is a University wide campaign for all on campus to make students and staff aware of…

Fairtrade in St Andrews

Did you know that St Andrews is a Fairtrade University? What is Fairtrade? ‘Fairtrade as a certification is much more than merely an environmental certification, it is the only and best ethical and social certification…

Green Week 2016

We are officially half way though Green Week! Plenty of events have been and gone but don’t worry if you haven’t been to any so far, there are still plenty to go! With an all-time record of the number of events run,…

Freshers’ Week 2016: A Guide to Green Events

There are many many events going on this Freshers’ Week and whilst you are all probably going to be busy making new friends, settling into halls, attending events and trying out new societies do have a look and…

The New Sustainability Intern

Last week the Environment Team welcomed their new Sustainability Intern, Lindsey Mackay, to the team. Lindsey has recently graduated from the University of St Andrews’ Geography and Sustainable Development department…

Further Green Award Successes in 2016

Following the successes of the annual Green Sports Award, an award introduced to recognise and reward sustainable behaviour change within our sports clubs, the Environment Team have introduced a second award – the…

Electrifying talk at Lawhead Primary

Pupils at Lawhead Primary were given a talk by Dita, manager at E-car club St Andrews, and Mike from the University of St Andrews. As part of the talk they were given a demonstration of the University ‘Wee Green…