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Where are they now? Part 4

Every year the Environment Team gains a new graduate Sustainability Coordinator whose position lasts for a year. This internship provides the incredible opportunity to work for the University of St Andrews Estates…

Weekend podcast inspiration #5

During these uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to keep our brains active, feel connected to others, and remain engaged with sustainability! That’s why we will be recommending our favourite sustainability…

Weekend podcast inspiration #4

During these uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to keep our brains active, feel connected to others, and remain engaged with sustainability! That’s why we will be recommending our favourite sustainability…

Revise wise: our green revision guide

Revision week can be a daunting time for many. To help ease some pressure, we’ve come up with a list of our top 5 super simple, environmentally friendly revision tips, so you can revise wise and still enjoy making a…

Weekend podcast inspiration #3

During lockdown, it’s more important than ever to keep our brains active, feel connected to others, and remain engaged with sustainability! That’s why we will be recommending our favourite sustainability podcasts for…

Weekend podcast inspiration #2

During lockdown, it’s more important than ever to keep our brains active, feel connected to others, and remain engaged with sustainability! That’s why we will be recommending our favourite sustainability podcasts for…

Weekend podcast inspiration #1

During lockdown, it’s more important than ever to keep our brains active, feel connected to others, and remain engaged with sustainability! That’s why we will be recommending our favourite sustainability podcasts for…

Apply to be our new Sustainability Coordinator

Calling all University of St Andrews class of 2020 graduates: applications are now open for our annual Sustainability Coordinator position! This is a one-year, paid internship within the Estates department. As…

Meet our new team members

It’s been a while since our last blog post, but don’t think we’ve been slacking. In fact, the Environment Team has grown in size! Over the past 20 months, we have recruited three new Environment Team members. Read on…