Search by tag: food

Putting down roots to grow strong food network

In 2023, local sustainability group Transition University of St Andrews set up a gleaning network to redistribute unharvested vegetables from farmers’ fields to community and fridges in North East Fife, including the…

Fairtrade Fortnight 2022

As an award-winning fairtrade university, St Andrews will host its annual Fairtrade Fortnight next week, Monday 21st February- Sunday 6th March. The University has supported the Fairtrade Fortnight each year through…

Fairtrade and Brownies

Lindsey Mackay, the Sustainability Intern for the Environment Team, discusses Fairtrade and shares a recipe which can be enjoyed by everyone. The Environment Team strive to improve the sustainability agenda across the…

Waste not: a word from our sustainability officer

If you do not waste food you will never go hungry – so the old saying ‘waste not, want not’ leads us believe. To many, this phrase conjures up images of queues outside grocers of wartime Britain and a by-gone era of…

Consumer’s Guide to Ethical Food Certifications

It’s the third Sunday of the month: your turn to cook dinner – that’s fine because you’re not in charge of washing the dishes. As you meander through the store aisles, you remember that your flatmates are picky; John…

What Happens To Our Food Waste?

The environment team visits the anaerobic digestor that turns our food waste into biogas “Like a stomach”… is how our guide, Alan, describes the anaerobic digestion process that is used to break down our food waste…

Fairtrade Fortnight Events

Thursday 28th February – Talk by Prof. Riches of Just Trading Scotland entitled ‘Ricing to the Challenge; What UK markets can do for farmers in Africa’ 7pm in School 3 Thursday 7th March – Film Screening of ‘Black…