Green hydrogen and Power to X
Green Hydrogen provides a scalable solution that allows renewables to address the 70% of our future energy needs that go beyond conventional electrical power.
Since its launch in late July 2020, the University’s Hydrogen Accelerator has acted as an enabler of hydrogen technologies in Scotland’s growing green economy. Through a partnership between the Universities of St Andrews and Strathclyde, the Hydrogen Accelerator’s focus is on the transport ecosystem and to catalyse capabilities across Scotland to ensure that the economic opportunities arising from the transition to net zero or ultralow emission mobility solutions can be fully exploited.
The primary objective of the Hydrogen Accelerator is to bring together public bodies, industry, research organisations and higher and further education institutions to bring this ambition to fruition. The Hydrogen Accelerator plays a pivotal role providing technical and project management support to accelerate the deployment of projects at scale.
This facility will provide new research and development capabilities to deliver on the ground-breaking technological advancements needed to establish a UK Hydrogen infrastructure. The Hydrogen Accelerator will enable pioneering research into decarbonising the production of energy, fuels and chemicals using only water, waste streams and components of air (nitrogen and carbon dioxide).
Green hydrogen and Power to X
This innovative project has inspired the development of a new facility – Power to X (P2X) – where the University intends to create the affordable production and storage of green hydrogen. P2X technologies offer cost-efficient solutions for the storage of energy produced by renewable power sources. Based on a process that produces hydrogen through electrolysis, the Hydrogen Accelerator consists of fuel cells, batteries and an electrolyser which are powered by electricity generated by renewable energy