Search results for: fairtrade

Taking the win: St Andrews Fairtrade Awards 2022

Fairtrade supporters in St Andrews are celebrating – on three counts!  Two winners of 2022 Scottish Fair Trade Forum (SFTF) awards are Mary Popple and Hannah Bowey, both members of the St Andrews Fairtrade Town…

Fairtrade Fortnight 2022

As an award-winning fairtrade university, St Andrews will host its annual Fairtrade Fortnight next week, Monday 21st February- Sunday 6th March. The University has supported the Fairtrade Fortnight each year through…

Fairtrade success!

The University of St Andrews awarded in nationwide Fairtrade University and College Award The University of St Andrews is one of the first universities in the country to be awarded the new Fairtrade University 2-stars…

Fairtrade Fortnight 2018

Monday saw the start of the annual Fairtrade Fortnight – a festival originating with the Fairtrade Foundation. University of St Andrews has been a Fairtrade University since 2007 and as such partakes in the…

Fairtrade Christmas

As the holidays approach we are flooded with consumer adverts, deals and sales, finding it hard to resist spending on things we may not even need, or end up never using. However, we could use the this time of the year…

Why you should buy Fairtrade flowers:

When you say Fairtrade most people will automatically think; chocolate, bananas and maybe even wine! But did you know that you can also buy Fairtrade roses amongst many other items including ice cream, quinoa vodka and…

Fairtrade in St Andrews

Did you know that St Andrews is a Fairtrade University? What is Fairtrade? ‘Fairtrade as a certification is much more than merely an environmental certification, it is the only and best ethical and social certification…

Fairtrade and Brownies

Lindsey Mackay, the Sustainability Intern for the Environment Team, discusses Fairtrade and shares a recipe which can be enjoyed by everyone. The Environment Team strive to improve the sustainability agenda across the…