Revise wise: our green revision guide
Revision week can be a daunting time for many. To help ease some pressure, we’ve come up with a list of our top 5 super simple, environmentally friendly revision tips, so you can revise wise and still enjoy making a positive difference!
1. Use a socially-responsible search engine
With multiple socially-responsible search engines to choose from, you can improve global sustainability with the click of a button! Not sure where to start? Try searching with Ecosia to plant trees, Ekoru to clean the oceans, and SearchScene to support charities fighting climate change.
2. Struggling to focus? Try the Flora app
Flora comes recommended by our very own Student Association Environment Officer, Lauren. You can grow virtual trees and even real trees via the longer you stay focused. Download Flora here:
3. Make use of a reusable whiteboard/chalkboard
Do you revise by writing endless notes? Save paper by using a reusable whiteboard or chalkboard which you can wipe down and reuse. The erasability will help test your knowledge, which is a more active way of learning. Don’t have a board to hand? Try washable floor/pavement chalk! (with the permission of your house owner, of course…)
4. Indulge in some plant-based brain foods
Plant-based diet staples like broccoli, blueberries, walnuts and chickpeas are filled with brain-boosting vitamins, omega oils and antioxidants. Plus, getting your hands messy cooking and baking can help decrease stress! Homemade houmous or walnut cake, anyone?
Check out this recipe for plant-based blueberry muffins:
5. Get out in nature to destress
Lastly, don’t forget to get outside (at a socially-safe distance) and smell the roses! Upload photos of wildlife you spot to citizen science databases such as the UK’s NBN Atlas to help monitor and conserve biodiversity.
Good luck with your exams, from all of us in the Environment Team!