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Behind the Scenes at Raisin

Did you participate in the Foam fight on Raisin Monday? We did! Every year, the University helps to organise this bizarre, unique, exhilarating tradition that is so unusual we are broadcast around the world. From the…

BSRC Building Receives A Energy Rating

The New Biomedical Sciences Research Centre (BSRC) has been awarded an A-rated energy performance certificate. The BSRC, on which construction was recently completed, is a world-class research facility. This means that…

University Purchases 100% Electric Vehicle

Did you know that the University of St Andrews has a 100% electric vehicle? No, neither did I until someone told me about the Mega. But it’s true, Grounds has been using an electric vehicle around campus to help out…

Short Guide to Green Freshers Events

Freshers Week is just around the corner and we are all excited for the students to return and for the week to kick off! We know that there is so much going on, with too much to do and too little time. So we thought…

Gold Green Tourism Award to New Hall and DRA

After the Green Tourism re-assessment was completed in August, we at the Environment Team have been waiting with baited breath to hear the result. And the news is finally in….. GOLD Awards for both New Hall and David…

Carbon Conversations Comes to St Andrews

Is the future worth a conversation? Carbon Conversations is a 6-session course that is designed to lower your personal carbon impact. It is not a taught course, but a facilitated discussion, a space to share and…

Meet the Environment Team!

We are the Environment Team! Meet Roddy Yarr, the Environment and Energy Manager! Roddy is the guy doing all the big stuff, like working on getting a 6 turbine, 12 megawatt wind farm at Kenly and looking into a biomass…

People & Planet Green League 2011 Out Today!!

Today is a rather exciting day for the Environment Team to begin the intrepid journey into the world of online blogging. Resident in the ever bustling home of the University of St Andrews Estates on East Sands, the…