285 articles found

What makes St Andrews a Fairtrade University?

The University of St Andrews was recently re-awarded Fairtrade University status by the Fairtrade Foundation…but what does that mean? Fairtrade University status is awarded to universities in the UK which have made a…

Guest Blog: Fairtrade Christmas Gift Guide

The Environment Team work closely with the University’s Fairtrade Steering Group, and are proud to present this guest blog written by their Fairtrade intern, Catriona! Read on for lots of great ideas for…

Student Sustainability Blogs

In the Environment Team we do our best to bring you interesting and relevant content about environmental issues…but we’re not the only ones! There are a number of student bloggers sharing their thoughts and ideas on…

3 Simple Tips for a Happy Hallogreen!

  Excuse the awful pun… With Halloween just a few short days away, The Environment Team have come up with a few simple tips to help you become sustainably spooky… 1. Costumes – vintage, reused, DIY – oh my! Instead of…

Raisin Monday: Behind the Scenes

Every autumn, hundreds of first year students get dressed up in a variety of creative costumes by their academic mums, collect a receipt from their academic dads, then participate in a massive shaving foam fight that…